How do you navigate transitioning from one season to another?
Just like how we are transitioning from winter to spring season, I’m sure we all are navigating some transition in our lives. It can be moving to a new state, getting married, buying a new home, buying a new car, or joining a new job. There is usually excitement when we transition from one season […]
What if our calling for this season is on the little things?
I read a passage from the Bible recently about how God assigned specific tasks for people to do. Aaron’s sons were given the responsibility to serve as priests. According to Numbers 3:2-3, “These are the names of the sons of Aaron; Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. These are the names of the […]
Go with the flow
When we go on any trips, I like to have a plan with a list of places we should be exploring. Sometimes, I even get disappointed if we don’t see all the places I planned to explore. My husband and I recently went for a trip to Fort Bragg, and this was one of the […]
It’s about obedience even if it does not make sense
We all can have expectations of how God should perform a miracle in our lives or how God should come through in a situation. We can get disappointed or even upset when God does not work it out in the way we want Him to. In my daily Bible reading, I read the story of […]
A glimpse of hope
Sometimes, we might experience situations in our lives that might feel as if God is absent. I have been walking through one of those seasons where I have prayed, hoping God would make a way. Instead, I only saw one obstacle after another. During those times, it’s easy to think as if God completely forgot […]
When life seems unfair
We live in a broken world, and life doesn’t always feel fair. I’m sure we all have walked through situations where things didn’t seem fair. What do you do when some of the things we face in life seem unfair? I stand for justice, integrity, etc., and I get disappointed and upset when things are […]
Peace in the midst of chaos
When we face difficulties in life that feel overwhelming, our immediate response is to figure out a solution. What if there are situations we are going through that we don’t know how to solve? In some situations, we might even feel like it’s out of our control. In those times, it’s easy to get anxious, […]
The 40 long years
I recently got convicted by God while reading the books of Exodus and Numbers. When God was leading the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land, the Israelites grumbled against Moses and God. The online Cambridge dictionary states, “Grumbling is to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way.” Often, we can be like […]
Where is God in our pain?
Sometimes, we go through situations that might feel out of control and wonder where God is during those times. When those situations don’t change, we wonder if God really cares about us. Genesis talks about how God just spoke a word, and the earth, heavens, birds, and everything got created. We might wonder why he […]
‘Joy’ and not ‘happiness’ in the the midst of chaos
It’s that time of the year when Christmas songs and lights are everywhere, and it seems like everyone around us is happy. What if we are going through life situations that make us feel unhappy? How can I ever be happy when my family is going through so much pain or my friend is suffering […]